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Home Grants to Boost Construction

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

New home grants set to boost construction, work for tradies

A multibillion-dollar construction stimulus will offer grants to build more than 100,000 new homes and create thousands of new jobs across the country by turbo-charging the industry.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the government is close to finalising a new package that will offer new home grants of at least $20,000 to encourage construction and help shield the building industry from the coronavirus-induced economic slowdown.

"A multibillion-dollar construction stimulus will offer grants to build more than 100,000 new homes"

The sector has warned the industry faces a 30 per cent decline in construction - around 43,000 new homes - next year and a significant loss of jobs.

Master Builders Australia has called for a $13 billion package to help boost new housing construction after the existing pipeline of projects slows down in the second half of this year.

Master Builders Australia has proposed a new home grant of $40,000 to ensure up to 130,000 homes are built in the 2021 financial year.

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